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Humanities Research. Humanitates
Releases Archive
Vesntik TSU. Philosophy
Humanities Research. Humanitates
2015, Vol. 1
2016, Vol. 2
2017, Vol. 3
2018, Vol. 4
2019, Vol. 5
2020, Vol. 6
№ 1 (21)
№ 2 (22)
№ 3 (23)
№ 4 (24)
2021, Vol. 7
№ 1 (25)
№ 2 (26)
№ 3 (27)
№ 4 (28)
2022, Vol. 8
№ 1 (29)
№ 2 (30)
№ 3 (31)
№ 4 (32)
2023, Vol. 9
№ 1 (33)
№ 2 (34)
№ 3 (35)
№ 4 (36)
2024. Vol. 10
No. 1 (37)
No. 2 (38)
Releases Archive
Vesntik TSU. History
Vesntik TSU. Pedagogy. Psychology
Vesntik TSU. Philology
Vesntik TSU. Philosophy
Editorial board
List of Authors
Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates
Theoretical synthesis in cryology in the era of informational revolution
Vladimir P. Melnikov
Victor B. Gennadinik
Vladimir O. Domansky
A human being in search of lost identity: between past and future
Mikhail N. Shcherbinin
The ratio of value types in the axiological subject
Alexey I. Pawlowskiy
Up from the relevance to the timeliness (the algorithm of ethos evolution)
Mikhail G. Ganopolskiy
Constitution of body knowledge and the aesthetic-anthropological ideal
Yulia V. Litkevich
Igor B. Muravyev
Evgeniy E. Yakovlev
Aesthetic-anthropologic search for human beauty bases
Natalia S. Andreeva
Physicophilosophical and political arguments in the unionist discourse of Francis Bacon
Sergey V. Kondratiev
Tamara N. Kondratyeva
The nature and sources of delusions
Nadezhda N. Isachenko
Myth and mythologization: development and problems of conceptualization
Andrey A. Lymar
The aspect of philosophy in linguistic communication
Alla V. Riabkova
Truth and its criteria
Nikolai I. Gubanov
Nikolay N. Gubanov
Andrey E. Volkov
Phenomenology of musical thinking
Vladimir B. Sokol
Rationality limits in the solution of environmental problems
Olga V. Zakharova
Speech and thought in the theory and philosophy of language
Irina N. Pupysheva
Reason in civilizational dynamics
Ivan S. Mikhailov
“Аn art, hidden in the depths of the human soul”: the beginning of the concept of imagination
Aleksei G. Ivanov
The methodology of ideal-realism in the study of the student community and social institution of higher school
Arthur R. Dziov
Logic-philosophical aspects of linguistic modality vs cognitivediscursive linguistic approach
Tatiana O. Chervyakova
Scientific reseach as a basic structural unit of cognition as the human activity (the case of place and role of the description and the explanation in the scientific cognition)
Sergey M. Halin
Social and artistic value of computer technologies in screen culture
Andrey G. Zaprudin
Mikhail N. Shcherbinin
Functional significance of emotions in the ancient rite
Tatyana I. Borko
The problem of realization of freedom and creativity in economic culture
Elena V. Shapovalova
On the relationship of ideas about the ideal and understanding of the figure of the hero in art
O lga V. Pawlowskaya
Public art in the context of identity
Vladimir G. Bogomyakov
Marina G. Tchistiakova
Professonalism and corporatism in ethics dimension
Galina A. Tyumentseva
Culture and civilization
Elena N. Yarkova
Yuri V. Larin
Alexander V. Pavlov
Philosophical views of different times (bibliographic review)
Ermakov I.