1. Roerich, N.K. Shambhala, New York, Frederick, A. Stokes Company, 1930. The quotations in this article are from the unpaginated HTML edition published by the Nicholas Roerich Museum (URL:
http://www.roerich.org). Русский текст: URL:
2. “Russian literature: Symbolists”, Encyclopedia Britannica, URL:
3. Huysmans J.-K. Làbas, cited in Furst, , L.R., &Skrine, P.N., Literary Criticism, 1978, p. 31.
4. Scarry, E. “On Beauty and Being Just”, The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, 20, University of Utah Press, 2000, p. 63.
5. Карасик В.И., Слышкин Г.Г. Лингвокультурный концепт как единица исследования // Методологические проблемы когнитивной лингвистики. С. 75-80. Воронеж, 2001. URL:
6. Дементьева И.E. Лексико-семантическое поле «прекрасное-уродливое» в русском языке: Автореф. дис. ... канд. филол. наук. Тюмень, 2003.
7. Hegel, G.W.F. Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Art, tr. T. M. Knox, Clarendon Press/ Oxford, 1835/1998, I, p. 318.
8. Longinus. On the Sublime, VII.2, tr. W. Rhys Roberts (1899). Available at
http://classicpersuasion.org/pw/longinus/, accessed 25.10.11. The ancient Greek text has given rise to several translations; for the passage quoted, Boileau (1672) more than Havell (1890) corroborates Roberts.
9. Hartman, G. “Text and spirit”, The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, 20, University of Utah Press, 2000, p. 162), or what Buddhists would call “mindfulness”, “giving full attention to moment-to-moment sensory and cognitive experience, bare of judgment, decision making, commentary, and other conceptual reactivity” (
http://www.desmoinesmeditation. com/2008/10/attentiveness-is-natural-prayer-of-soul.html)/
10. Viladeseau, R. The Beauty of the Cross, Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 4.
11. Ladrière, J. “Langage des spirituels”, Dictionnaire de spiritualité, ascétiqueet mystique, doctrine et histoire, vol. IX, 59-60, (Paris, 1975) col. 204. “La seuleanalyse du langage est incapable de rendrecompte du contenu et de la portéevéritables des écritsspirituels; elle peutcependantcontribuer à situercesécrits quant à leur mode propre de signification”.
12. Needham, F. &Outterson, T. “Report of the committee appointed to investigate the nature of the phenomena of hypnotism” // British Medical Journal. 1892. July. 23;2(1647):190-1.
13. Downey, J.E., Creative imagination: studies in the psychology of literature,
1919/1999, p.219.
14. Grinder, J. &Bandler, R., Trance-formations: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis, Real People Press, 1981. p. 18.