Autobiographical Traces in ‘Prison’ prose: the author’s ‘Voice in the Plural’

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2019, Vol. 5. №3(19)

Autobiographical Traces in ‘Prison’ prose: the author’s ‘Voice in the Plural’

Author: Julie Gerber

For citation: Gerber J. 2019. “Autobiographical Traces in ‘Prison’ prose: the author’s ‘Voice in the Plural’”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 5, no 3 (19), pp. 84-99. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2019-5-3-84-99

About the author:

Julie Gerber, Postgraduate Student, Assistant, Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, University of Tyumen;


This article presents a comparative analysis of the autobiographical aspects contained in Kolyma Tales (1967) by V. Shalamov and Oblivion (2012) by S. Lebedev, a contemporary Russian author. Both of these novels are examples of the so called prison prose. S. Lebedev’s work has not been studied sufficiently, which indicates the topicality of this study. In this article, the author highlights the links between the authors and their narrator(s). The results show that these stories cannot be considered autobiographies in the strict sense, since they do not quite correspond to the definition of this genre. On the other hand, they are examples of a hybrid genre, at the crossroads of autobiography, fiction, and testimony.


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