Pre-Election Poster as a Creolized Text

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2018, Vol. 4. №4

Pre-Election Poster as a Creolized Text

For citation: Trifonova A. V., Shapochkin D. V. 2018. “Pre-Election Poster as a Creolized Text”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 4, no 4, pp. 61-73. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2018-4-4-61-73

About the authors:

Aleksandra V. Trifonova, Undergraduate Student, Department of German Philology, University of Tyumen;

Dmitriy V. Shapochkin, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of German Philology, University of Tyumen;, ORCID: 0000-0003-4954-8256


In contemporary political linguistics, special attention is paid to the ways of self-presentation and political image of different political leaders, their communication skills, and the analysis of pragmatic attitudes that they represent in various kinds of media. Political figures actively use manipulative strategies and tactics in communication with their voters in order to influence their electorate.

Accordingly, the authors adhere to the hypothesis that political posters are creolized texts. They have the powerful manipulative potential and include the verbal and non-verbal component. In this way, the researchers examine the image of A. Merkel on the material of the pre-election posters, analyzing the strategies and tactics in her the election campaigns of 2005-2017.

A communicative strategy of manipulation is implemented in all analyzed pre-election posters for the formation of the political image/political portrait of A. Merkel. Pre-election posters are aimed at striving to build trust in their electorate.

During the election campaigns of 2005-2017, A. Merkel appears to the voters as a promising, ambitious political leader, ready to continue good traditions and make the necessary adjustments to the country’s policy. In the minds of the electorate emerges an image of a politician who is ready for dialogue and interaction and who is a worthy candidate for the post of Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. The particular attention in the pre-election posters is also paid to the demonstration of Merkel’s competence, her reliability, and vigorous activity. On the whole, in the pre-election posters, A. Merkel appears as a worthy candidate for the post of Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.


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