Types of Situations to Implant the Concept of Beauty to University Students: Some Aspects of Aesthetical and Cognitive Activities

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2017, Vol. 3. №4

Types of Situations to Implant the Concept of Beauty to University Students: Some Aspects of Aesthetical and Cognitive Activities

For citation: Soldatova I. N. 2017. “Types of Situations to Implant the Concept of Beauty to University Students: Some Aspects of Aesthetical and Cognitive Activities”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 3, no 4, pp. 229-242. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2017-3-4-229-242

About the author:

Inna N. Soldatova, Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Foreign Language Teacher, Department of General Subjects, Institute of Vocational Training, Volgograd State Agrarian University; inna-soldatova@yandex.ru


This paper studies the urgent issue of including aesthetical experience into the structural content of education. The author suggests her own view on the given educational element, which provides significant novelty on the subject. University students gain aesthetical experience via perception of the beauty, which, in its turn, is based on aesthetical and cognitive activity. The author suggests that both the essence and the means in the conventional interpretation of beauty are to be reconsidered and the sources of its quality were to be discovered. In contrast to the contemporary researches on the aesthetical education, the author focuses on the learner’s values and cognitive sphere, when the beauty becomes one of the purports and principles of his/her life. The author is the first to elaborate the concept of aesthetical and cognitive activity as an experience of various aesthetical facets (such as beautiful, tragic, lofty, heroic, etc.) in the result of which university students get new aesthetical life purposes.

The aim of aesthetical education is to encourage young people to regard aesthetical sense as the motive to improve their lives in accordance with the postulates of the beautiful. This article describes basic psychological environments necessary for the young people (in this study — university students) to experience the beauty. The author describes the pedagogical means for using aesthetical emotions as a mechanism for experiencing the beauty.

This article proposes the types of situations to teach the concept of the beauty to university students. Such situations include experiencing the beauty and the tragic; overcoming the ugliness; facing contrast and paradox; creating an artistic image; and constructing the beauty. A teacher projects these situations in the framework of an artistic composition named an “aesthetic event”. The compositional situation consists of a sketch (introduction), plot development (conversation), climax (spiritual crisis), and epilogue (self-reflection). The author refers to her own experience of learning the concept of beauty on the example of going through the tragic and the situation of contrast and paradox. Teaching the concept of beauty to university students aims at a person’s experience of the beauty linked with the awareness of his or her moral essence, which speaks in favor of this research’s novelty and pedagogical reasonability.


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