Learning Creativity as an Essential Component of Teaching a Foreign Language

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2017, Vol. 3. №2

Learning Creativity as an Essential Component of Teaching a Foreign Language

For citation: Erofeeva L. A. 2017. “Learning Creativity as an Essential Component of Teaching a Foreign Language”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 239-247. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2017-3-2-239-247

About the author:

Lidiya A. Erofeeva, Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Department of General Scientific Disciplines, Nizhny Tagil Branch of the Ural State University of Railway Transport; lidaero@mail.ru


This article is devoted to the application of creative forms in teaching a foreign language. The importance of the subject in question relates to the motivational potential of learning creativity. The author emphasizes that in modern schooling there is a certain growth of excessive use of internet technologies which prevent students from acquiring new knowledge without computer assistance. The excessive use of IT restricts the student’s thinking and putting forward new ideas. The author believes that involving the student in creative activities is one of the ways to develop learning motivation.

The article deals with creative tasks of a heuristic and productive character, a step-by-step implementation of collective project activities of the group. The role of learning creativity as a factor in developing learning motivation is growing now as the internet technologies give access to students to get necessary information and answers to tasks without any effort. However, we should bear in mind that only the new material made by the person himself is regarded by him as something unique and significant. In our point of view, learning creativity is considered as a process of creating something subjectively new based on the students’ ability to produce original ideas and go beyond standard requirements of learning activities. One of the most important principles of learning activities is its dynamic character, i.e. to provide training with alternative creative tasks of various types and levels of complexity which can give students an opportunity to avoid motivational blocks. The diversity of creative tasks and their graded complexity can help students to achieve self-realization in the situations of success.

In conclusion, the author points out that the contributed material can be used in higher professional education as well as in senior high schools.


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