Structure and Content Based Model of Competitiveness as a Personal Trait

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2017, Vol. 3. №2

Structure and Content Based Model of Competitiveness as a Personal Trait

For citation: Belyakovа E. G. 2017. “Structure and Content Based Model of Competitiveness as a Personal Trait”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 189-198. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2017-3-2-189-198

About the author:

Eugenia G. Belyakova, Dr Sci. (Ped.), Professor, Academic Department of Methodogy and Theory of Social and Pedagogical Research, Tyumen State University;


This study aims at the structure-content based analysis of individual’s competitiveness as an integral component. This article explains the significance of this quality in nowadays’ society, the importance of its development in educational establishments. Despite a significant amount of psychological and pedagogical studies of this phenomenon, it is necessary to give a more detailed description of “competitiveness”. The author suggests two opposing definitions of “competitiveness”: a “positive” and a “negative” one; in this light, individual’s competitiveness can be revealed in different forms of competitive behavior. Adequate competitiveness has a positive impact on one’s skills and motivates self-development when the situation is perceived as competitive. A type of competition, called “game without rules”, may have destructive effects such as conflict situations, hostility, manipulation, etc., aimed at the competitor. The results of the study lie in the author’s interpretation of individual’s “competitiveness” suggesting that it stimulates students’ potential in the situation of competition. The structure based model of “competitiveness”, being an integral personal trait, has been presented. The main role has been given to the value-meaning based component which implies an opportunity for personal growth under the circumstances of competition. In the structure of “competitiveness” the author points out the significance of self-motivation, importance of adequate presentation of socio-cultural situation and its requirements, participation in the competitive interaction. The author has described the multilevel model of factors affecting the development of students’ competitiveness. The model is comprised of internal and external factors; the most important factors involve socialization, educational and professional environment, processes in the labor market, socio-economic relations in a society, and mass media. In the conclusion the author states that the structure-content based model of competitiveness allows setting guiding lines for its development, determining basic channels of influence on this process, working out diagnostic tools, etc.


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