The Problems of Harmonizing Family Upbringing in the Educational System Dimension

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2017, Vol. 3. №1

The Problems of Harmonizing Family Upbringing in the Educational System Dimension

For citation: Chekhonin A. D. 2017. “The Problems of Harmonizing Family Upbringing in the Educational System Dimension”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 3, no 1, pp. 246-257. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2017-3-1-246-257

About the author:

Alexander D. Chekhonin, Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Doctoral Student, Academic Department of Theory and Methodology of Socio-Pedagogical Research, Tyumen State University;


This article is devoted to the problem of harmonizing family education and the search for a basis to build an appropriate strategy for its implementation in the educational system. There are characteristics of the specifics of the socio-economic conditions of modern family existence. The author provides statistics on the value system of modern society, levels of authentic virtualisation, value-semantic orientations and claims. The author emphasizes the fatherhood as a special and problematic segment of contemporary family education. The article presents documents on the Russian state family policy and provides the urgency of their possible revision. The article also presents the analysis of possibilities of pedagogics in the aspect of accumulated cognitive capacity, knowledge and research of pedagogical resources and prospects of infrastructure development of education. It justifies the preconditions and basis for the proposed modeling strategy for the harmonization of family education, that rest upon social-personal orientation of the education system and modern expectations of its constructive and innovative development. The author shares the points of view of classical pedagogics that harmonious family education is a necessary resource and solution to fundamental axiological problems in the future of the new generations of the country.


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