Modelling the Expressive Field of the Original Text and Its Translation in the English and Russian Newspaper Discource

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №4

Modelling the Expressive Field of the Original Text and Its Translation in the English and Russian Newspaper Discource

Author: Daria E. Ertner

About the author:

Daria E. Ertner, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of English Philology and Translation Studies, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID,


The article focuses on investigating the major features of decoding and recoding the expressive means while translating the newspaper text from English into Russian. The reference to this issue is very topical as it is helps to detect certain “algorithms of verbal behavior” inherently present in the language, to provide a better understanding of the text structure. We follow the hypothesis that researching the expressive structures from the point of decoding theory analysis allows to disclose the basic principles of stylistically colored textual elements formation, that occurs in the process of translation of these units. This problem can be solved by appealing to the general principles of the cognitive approach, when the object of the linguistic analysis is not the situation of the real world, but the linguistic structure, which reflects it.

Thus, translation is viewed as an intersubjective activity, which depends on the deep immersion of the translator into the cultural models that define the vision of the world of a national community, structuring the expressive field of the author of the text and the translator as the participants of the communication.


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