Forming Student’s Social Interaction Competence in Academic Activity in Technical University

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №3

Forming Student’s Social Interaction Competence in Academic Activity in Technical University

About the authors:

Olga A. Selivanova, Dr. Sci. (Ped.), Professor, Department of General and Social Psychology, Tyumen State University;

Olga N. Rodina, Lecturer, Department of the Foreign Languages, Tyumen Industrial University;


Due to the nature of the educational environment of a technical university, the authors prove the necessity of academic activities for developing individual personality traits and students’ skills and abilities to improve the efficiency of interaction in the social sphere. The article describes approaches to understanding the essence of the concept “social interaction competence” and its key components in modern foreign and domestic research. This paper examines knowledge and skills, abilities to provide effective students’ social interaction in the learning process and in professional activities in the future. The aim of the study is to determine the main directions for effective development of students’ social interaction competence in academic activities in a technical university. The article offers an interpretation of the nature and structure of students’ social interaction competence in a technical university. It proves the urgency of competence development for preparing future specialists within a technical university. The components, the essential characteristics of this competence have been defined and analyzed. Research was held for defining the first year students adaptation strategies and the formation level of students’ social interaction competence in Tyumen Industrial University in 2016. The paper describes the adaptation strategies of the first year students such as “active reaction” and “temporizing”. The factors complicating and increasing the effectiveness of social interaction are described. Based on the theoretical and practical background, the key directions are given for developing the students’ social interaction competence by means of educational activities in a technical university. It is emphasized that within a technical university such systematic and purposeful activities ensure to educate a person ready for an effective social interaction.


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