2016, Vol. 2. №2About the author:
Natalia N. Belozerova, Dr. Sci (Philol.), Professor, Department of the English Language, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID, natnicbel@gmail.comAbstract:
The current period of scientific research is remarkable for the turn, the centre of which is shaped by the unity of various neurosciences and neurotechnologies. Neurolinguistics in this new type of integration in the field of sciences and humanities plays a very special role. To comprehend the roots of such integration and the role of neurolinguistics in it the author outlined the “LINGUISTIC INPUT — PROCESSING — OUTPUT MAP”. This construction rests upon the components of an ever revolving metaphor “ artificial intellect as natural intellect as artificial intellect as …” etc. Describing the model the author points out that it was in fiction where the relations of the mind, brain, body and the surrounding world got its first interpretation. This three-component model “INPUT — PROCESSING — OUTPUT” provided the basis to comprehend the processing and outcome of verbal and non-verbal information, as well as the mental ways of turning the visual into the verbal and vice versa. This allows concluding that at the level of informational processes linguistic, visual, as well as any sensor turn, are interdependent. The author supposes that the major turn in humanities and linguistics, in particular, is to be sought in directing to concrete problems of people suffering from mental and speech disorders. Such turn is observed in recent breakthrough researches and educational programmes.