Pedagogical mechanisms of students athletes’ social competence formation

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2016, Vol. 2. №1

Pedagogical mechanisms of students athletes’ social competence formation

About the authors:

Albert A. Maltsev, Senior Lecturer, Department of Sports Disciplines, Institute of Physical Education, Tyumen State University;

Vladislav V. Hristov, Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Department of Sports Disciplines, Institute of Physical Education, Tyumen State University;


The article offers to consider the problem of students-athletes social competence formation through the realization of various pedagogical situations focused on adequate social experience of the future specialists of physical education and sports; the pedagogical mechanisms of students-athletes social competence formation are analyzed from the position of problem situations solving in teir future professional activity. The author sheds light onto the problem of students-athletes socialization and social adaptation after completion of sports career and the graduation from the institute, interpersonal interaction forecasting, ability to exactly assess interpersonal events and to build and develop them in various psychological spaces. 
Considering the educational specifics, the graduate of the Institute of Physical Education will reveal their potential as future trainer, the manager, the teacher, whose work happens to people of various social groups, interests, views, on condition that they have developed the skills of social competence.


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