2016, Vol. 2. №1About the author:
Anna A. Isakova, Postgraduate Student, Department of the English Language, University of Tyumen; annatelem@gmail.comAbstract:
The author investigates the distinctive features of the Tatar writer Jakub Zankiev, briefly describing the writer’s biography and his most significant works. The modern Tatar language is characterized by a large number of loanwords, including the military sphere. The literary language demonstrates a certain historical stage in the development of the language. It should be noted that the story “The Crooked Eye” was originally published in Russian. This fact indirectly shows the situation of the Tatar language in relation to the Russian at the time of writing the story. The study of military loanwords fr om “The Crooked Eye” has revealed features of borrowing and adapting the military lexicon of the Tatar language in the thematic, ethnogenetic and semantic aspects. These lexemes are classified into different thematic groups, wh ere each of them is given an example of a literary text and an equivalent from the Russian-Tatar dictionary of military terms by R. A. Migunov (2000). According to the ethnogenetic aspect, most of the loanwords were borrowed from German, while Russian acted as the “mediator”. We consider the military terminology, created and developed in the period of the Golden Horde, as well as the vocabulary and the tutorials, recorded in the Tatar language of the XVIII century. The military terminology in the modern Tatar linguistics is a passive layer of vocabulary. The Republic of Tatarstan is a part of the Russian Federation and does not conduct independent military operations. The commonality of military vocabulary calls for “specific” loans, which will become “natural”. The Tatar military terminology will continue their development primarily through and by the Russian language.Keywords: