Meta-subject results of creating health-forming educational space of comprehensive school

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

Meta-subject results of creating health-forming educational space of comprehensive school

About the author:

Evgeny A. Cherepov, Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Physical Education and Health South Ural State University (National Research University),


In the article the author sets the goal based on key methodological provisions of the system, ecological-psychological, competence-based and interdisciplinary approaches to theoretically substantiate the concept of health-forming educational space of a modern comprehensive school. Presenting a model of health-forming educational space, the author illustrates how he managed to provide an environment of interpenetration and interaction of structural elements of space and of educational subjects based on the implementation of the system-forming and system-causing factors-chronotopos. In the author’s original conception such a chronotope presents, firstly, the process of sportization of physical education, and, secondly, health-forming integration of subject areas of the disciplines within the Federal educational standard. Interacting with each other and the space, education subjects enhance it with activities, relationships, and incentives, launching the mechanisms of health-forming reflection and personal development. The key result of the effectiveness of health-forming educational space of a school, and, respectively, a significant result of education, according to the author’s vision, is the formation of the fundamental object of education — health on a par with the level of education, according to interdisciplinary and competence-based approaches. Health assessment is determined by identifying the level of formation of health-forming metasubject competences connected with: cognition, rehabilitation, evaluation, outreach, health and education, health and recreation, sports.


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