Revolutionary anthem: development stages

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)

Revolutionary anthem: development stages

About the author:

Dmitriy V. Shapochkin, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of German Philology, University of Tyumen;, ORCID: 0000-0003-4954-8256


Anthems originated in ancient Greece as praise songs and evolved together with historical, cultural and social spheres of human activity. Therefore, the article highlights the development stages of the revolutionary anthem as a specific genre. The author covers the etymology of the word “anthem” and observes hymnal poetry formation tendencies through centuries. He also examines specific examples which illustrate religious and national character of anthems. According to the author’s opinion revolutionary anthems are of paramount importance since during the proletarian revolution in Germany, France, Poland, Russia, and the USA they motivated people, helped them to fight for universal human rights and led to the social reconstruction of the world.
Analyzing such anthems as “La Marseillaise” (France, 1792), “The Internationale” (France, 1871), “Warszawianka” (Poland, 1879), and “Boldly, comrades, in the leg” (Russia, 1897), the author emphasizes their importance, focuses on their manipulative potential, and recognizes revolutionary anthems as a powerful influence tool in the form of text and music unity.


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