2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)About the author:
Larisa S. Kislova, Cand. Sci. (Phylol.), Associate Professor, Department of Russian Literature, University of Tyumen; l.s.kislova@utmn.ruAbstract:
In the article texts of various genres are analyzed. There is an essay by Dina Rubina, an essay by I. Sakhnovsky, popular novels by Ekaterina Ostrovskaya, and the Italian series of plays by Alexander Galin. These texts are analyzed in the geopoetic aspect. The problem is significant, as geopoetics as an artistic category is the focus of modern humanities. In the texts, the problem of assimilating in a foreign country is highlighted. The characters by D. Rubina, I. Sakhnovsky. E. Ostrovskaya, and A. Galin are in foreign cultural situations, which, however, are close to them. The “Italian” texts represent the model of unlimited world, so the impression of the unknown country gets a new meaning through the idea of dual homeland. The characters travel both real tourist routes and their own memory and dreams about Italy. The “Italian” text is not only a complex of space coordinates and cultural codes, but also the demonstration of the characters’ internal state, which are in unfamiliar situation. Thus, Rome, Venice, and Sorrento, and Positano, and Amalfi, and Ravello, and San-Felice-Circeo, and other Italian cities are perceived by the characters as local oases.References: