2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)About the authors:
Olga A. Selivanova, Dr. Sci. (Ped.), Professor, Department of General and Social Psychology, Tyumen State University; towerred1966@mail.ruAbstract:
In article specifics of phenomena «socially dangerous» reveal (the behavior deviating social norms, conducting to social disadaptation, intensity, the conflicts, not constructive behavior) and «socially safe» the behavior (the behavior meeting standards of society, conducting to successful socialization of the personality, lack of intensity, constructive behavior), is characterized the maintenance of the main components of readiness for implementation socially dangerous (priority of values of risk, danger in axiological system of the teenager; existence of aspiration and need for unsafe risky forms and methods of achievement of the actual purposes of activity, inability/unwillingness to expect dangerous situations, inability/unwillingness to carry out the analysis and an assessment of results of the behavior in a dangerous situation, etc.) and socially safe (priority of values of safety, health in axiological system of the teenager, existence of knowledge of possible dangers of environment, their physical properties, development of abilities to expect dangerous situations, to predict possible consequences, etc.) behavior. Through interdependence of two characteristics: extents of possession of the personality of skills of safe behavior (possession/not possession) and nature of interaction of the person with environment and by itself (dangerous/safe), are characterized options of a ratio of socially safe and socially dangerous behavior of minors.Keywords:
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