Russian verbal nouns of the XVIII century in the dictionary, text and corpus: experimental and stylistic aspects

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)

Russian verbal nouns of the XVIII century in the dictionary, text and corpus: experimental and stylistic aspects

About the authors:

Olga V. Trofimova, Dr. Sci. (Phylol.), Professor, Department of the Russian Language and General Linguistics, University of Tyumen;

Anastasia A. Sandutza, Instructor, Department of Russian Language, Institute for Philology and Journalism, Tyumen State University;


This paper studies the Russian verbal nouns formed in the XVIII century. Considered their formation and functioning. The study was based on the four types of sources: linguistic work of XIX — early XX century, Russian dictionaries, Russian National Corpus, housing business handwritten texts of the second half of the XVIII century.


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