The problem of realization of freedom and creativity in economic culture

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philosophy. 2014

The problem of realization of freedom and creativity in economic culture

About the author:

Elena V. Shapovalova,


This article discusses the issue of economic culture. In any economic
activity a complex of notions underlying people’s behaviour can be revealed. Therefore,
economic culture includes both an economic act and a spiritual component connected
with ideals, values, requirements, traditions, etc. As well as in any spiritual activity,
personal freedom and creativity are realized in economic culture. Thus, they inevitably
face limited conditions of realization, a need to take a certain form that raises a problem
of correlation of freedom and necessity in economic culture. Despite the limitations,
it is the creative potential of economic culture which contributes to the appearance
of new forms of economic activity and emphasizes the role of free spirit in the solution
of practical, economic problems. The problem of realization of freedom and creativity
in economic culture is illustrated by an example of environmentalization of economic
activity in the town of Noyabrsk.


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