Discourse of Power: In respect of Cultural Linguistics

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philosophy. 2013

Discourse of Power: In respect of Cultural Linguistics

About the author:

Dmitriy V. Shapochkin, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of German Philology, University of Tyumen; d.v.shapochkin@utmn.ru, ORCID: 0000-0003-4954-8256


The paper explores a discourse of power in respect of cultural linguistics,
where the discourse of power appears for a particularly systemized and harmonized
usage of language, behind which a special ideologically and socially conditioned
mentality can be traced, some specified goal-oriented means in particular: cognition
pattern and patterns of communicative speech practice. These patterns are related
to implementation of a social power, i.e. a discourse is a manifestation of power, and
the power is expressed via discourse through the system of interrelated verbal/textual
means, forms and tools of influence. The paper presents the results of a definition
analysis of the concept power, which was made in order to define its semantic meaning.
After generalization of lingua-cultural interpretations the following basic meanings were
defined: 1) power in a broad sense; 2) political power; 3) particular representatives of
political power (authorities and people clothed with power). The cognitive analysis of
the concept power makes it obvious that it is universal, with a high level of importance
and functional frequency within the political discourse. Visions of power form a world
view of a politician significantly, because it is the concept of power that constitutes
a kind of its axiological core, and this concept organises and determines all other
features of the worldview to some extent.


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