Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2014About the authors:
Natalia N. Belozerova, Dr. Sci (Philol.), Professor, Department of the English Language, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID, natnicbel@gmail.comAbstract:
The authors dedicated their article to the 450th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s birthday. Having attracted the phrase fr om James Joyce’s “Ulysses” wh ere Shakespeare is characterized as A Lord of Language, as well as the works on the epistemological traits of the Elizabethan period the authors scrutinize the performative functions of the lexemes word и words in Shakespearean texts. Having used the corpus approach methodology, that was worked out in their previous works the authors analyse contextual, semantic and axiological characteristics of these two lexemes in the respect of their usage. Besides, tackling the effect of the complementarity principle the authors consider how the original meanings are preserved in the translations into Russian and French. The authors arrive at the conclusion that such usage of the lexemes word, words suggests a certain regularity that allows attributing all the oeuvres under consideration to a single author. The fact that it is William Shakespeare who is the author of these oeuvres is supported by his immense linguistic experiments that resulted into 1700 new words, new meanings of the old that arose out of his puns and word play. The attitude of William Shakespeare to the word, the employment of it as an action made him not only a lord of language but the Lord of Discourse.Keywords:
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