Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2013About the author:
Dmitriy V. Shapochkin, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of German Philology, University of Tyumen;, ORCID: 0000-0003-4954-8256Abstract:
This article shows an ecolinguistic study of the axiological pragmatic aims in the text of party anthem “The Internationale”, translated by A.J. Kotz, according to an analysis of which the hypothesis will be confirmed that the axiological factors depend on the subject and objeсt of the assessment itself, as well as of its matching base and of its dynamism: the subject of the assessment finds its realization in the form of the working class, eager to be free from an oppression of the capitalists and to a seize the power in order to build a world of their own. As for the object of the assessment, it is a collectively-negative image — the capitalist class, the owners of factories, mills and plants; the basic assessment / dynamism in the hymn “The Internationale” is achieved with the help of the predicates of assessment: the call to action, the desire to fight and to combat, the will to change for the better. Accordingly, the author of the article explains in detail on the basis of the analysis of the text of the party anthem “The Internationale”, translated by A.J. Kotz, that the ecolinguistic aspect of the assessment category appears as a result of the assessment of the individual as a representative of the working class, expressed verbally, as it is fixed in the statements or elements of the language system, as well as the assessment ratio of the communicant to the subject of speech.References:
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