Les trois discours d'autorite de laerte et de polonius dans la scene 3 de l'acte i de l'Hamlet de Shakespeare

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


Vesntik TSU. Philology. 2013

Les trois discours d'autorite de laerte et de polonius dans la scene 3 de l'acte i de l'Hamlet de Shakespeare

About the author:

Pierre Marillaud, Dr. of Linguistics, Associate Researcher, University Toulouse-Jean Jaurès (France); Inspector of the Honorary Academy; p.marillaud.cals@orange.fr


This article is written within the scope of the 34th International Symposium “Languages and Signification”, Albi, France, 8-11 July 2013 the theme of which is announced as “The Discourse of Power” (Discourse d’autorité et de l’autorité). The author, president of the symposium, demonstrates upon the three texts of a didactic character taken from the «Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark», the semiolinquistic parameters of the parental authoritative discourse, the major of them being the categories of will and masculinity, as well as epistemological characteristics of this tragedy and the dichotomy of obedience/ disobedience. For the theoretical grounding the author attracts Umberto Eco’s concept of presuppositions, J. Austin’s Speech Act Theory (SAT) as well as scientific approaches to discourse by E. Benveniste, H.P. Grice and semiotitians of the Paris School and other theories of cultural and sociological character.
