Vesntik TSU. History. 2013About the authors:
Stanislav N. Sinegubov, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;,
The paper analyses the characteristics of the Russian naval commanders given by the German naval attaches in their reports to Berlin in 1901-1912. While characterizing them the attaches paid attention first of all to their professional features. To their opinion they influenced the promotion of the Russian naval officers. Among a great number of top officials in the Russian fleet the German attaches especially valued “the Russian Germans” as to their mind they were particularly industrious and disciplined. In addition, the messages are the data that characterize the general state of affairs in the main fleet — the Baltic and the Black Sea, which allowed making up the conclusions about the priority of their development plans of the Russian authorities. Taking into consideration the research materials the authors show the influence they had on forming the policy of A. Tirpitz’ Naval Ministry to Russia including such an important issue as making a naval alliance.Keywords:
1. Tirpitz, A. Erinnerungen. Leipzig, 1919; Tirpitz, A. Poltische Dokumente. Bd. 1-2. Stuttgart, 1924-1926; Tirpitz, A. Über den strategisch-taktischen Ursprung der Flottengesetze // Nauticus. 1926. Jhrg. 28. S. 185-202; Churchill, W. S. First Lord of the Admiralty 1911 to 1915. London, 1923; Churchill, W. S. The world crisis 1911-1918. Vol. 1. London, 1938.
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