Vesntik TSU. History. 2013About the author:
Evgeniy A. Mekhamadiev, Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Senior Lecturer, Medieval History Department, Saint-Petersburg State University;; ORCID: 0000-0003-1823-4588Abstract:
The present article deals with the history of the Emesenian’s archers units in Late Roman Army. On the ground of epigraphical, agiographical and papyrological documents the author reveals the process of territorial movements of this units and changes in their military ranks. The novelty of the research is in the detailed analysis of two documents (inscription from Moesia and the papyrus from Panopolis), which weren’t systematically handled in previous literature. The main idea is that there were two units of Emesenian archers in Late Roman Army in IV A.D., which belonged to the frontier garrisons and came from the time of Principate — equitessagittarii in Pannonia (former cohors I milliariaHemesenorumsagittaria) and RegiiEmeseni Iudaei (the descendants of Hemeseni’s unit from North Africa). The author proposed an idea that in the title RegiiEmeseniIudaei the names Regii and Iudaei reflect not the social (Regii means «royal») and ethnic (Iudaei) origin, but only the territorial (place of deployment), i.e. they denotate the toponyms (the garrisoned forts of Regiae and CastraIudaeorum).References:
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