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Tyumen State University Herald. Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy
Список авторов
Оленников Евгений Александрович
Physical and Mathematical Modeling. Oil, Gas, Energy
2015, Vol. 1
2016, Vol. 2
2017, Vol. 3
2018, Vol. 4
2019, Vol. 5
№4 (20)
2020. Vol. 6
№ 1 (21)
№ 2 (22)
№ 3 (23)
№ 4 (24)
2021. Vol. 7
№ 1 (25)
№ 2 (26)
№ 3 (27)
№ 4 (28)
2022. Vol. 8
№ 1 (29)
№ 2 (30)
№ 3 (31)
№ 4 (32)
2023. Vol. 9
№ 1 (33)
№ 2 (34)
№ 3 (35)
№ 4 (36)
2024. Vol. 10
No. 1 (37)
No. 2 (38)
No. 3 (39)
No. 4 (40)
Releases Archive
Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Physics and mathematics. Informatics (№4, 2012)
Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Physics and mathematics. Informatics (№7, 2013)
Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Physics and mathematics. Informatics (№7, 2014)
Editorial team
List of Authors
Physico-mathematical modeling
Eugene A. Olennikov
About author:
Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Head of the department of Information Security, University of Tyumen;
Releases Archive. Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Physics and mathematics. Informatics (№4, 2012)
Software system for modeling and apparatus fluidized bed process takes place in it
Eugene A. Olennikov
Releases Archive. Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Physics and mathematics. Informatics (№7, 2013)
Multi-level system automated complex for research of gasdynamic modes in stages of metallurgical self-organizing spray-emulsion unit
Eugene A. Olennikov
Releases Archive. Bulletin of Tyumen State University. Physics and mathematics. Informatics (№7, 2014)
Scientific data analysis in medical information system (case study of determining the factors affecting the level of c-reactive protein using neural networks)
Eugene A. Olennikov
2015, Vol. 1. №2(2)
Software for disposal circuit simulation of physical and chemical energy from the exhaust gases of metallurgical units
Eugene A. Olennikov
2015, Vol. 1. №3(3)
Models for heat recovery and skull formation in metallirgic units of spray-type emulsion
Eugene A. Olennikov
2015, Vol. 1. №4(4)
Intelligent module of data analysis for information systems based on artificial neural networks
Eugene A. Olennikov
2017, Vol. 3. №3
Accounting Internal Corrosion Wear of Thermal Pipelines Transporting One-Phase Heat Medium (Water) in the Evaluation of Their Service Life
Eugene A. Olennikov
2018, Vol. 4. №4
Reducing the Hydraulic Resistance of the Riser of a Single-Pipe Heating System in a Multi-Storey Building
Eugene A. Olennikov