Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2013About the authors:
Anna N. Tarasova, Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Technology of State and Municipal Management, Ural Federal University (Yekaterinburg); ORCID: 0000-0002-9448-2893, Scopus Author ID: 57201826388, WoS ResearcherID: B-1811-2017, SPIN: 1228-4836, a.n.tarasova@urfu.ruAbstract:
The article deals with the peculiarities of the Russian health care system in order to determine the level of the demand of the population for paid medical services. On the basis of the representative data for Sociological Research (the volume of the sample is 3054 people aged 18, residing on the territory of Tyumen region) the relation of the population of Tyumen region to public health services and the satisfaction with the provided services are determined, the level of demand in the emerging market of paid medical services in Tyumen region is assessed, the discriminant model, demonstrating the effect of different factors for the choice of paid and free choice of health care services, is built. The analysis revealed that in Russia as a whole and in Tyumen region in particular, there is underfunded public health system, which is characterized by the deficiency and suboptimal structure of medical personnel. Almost two-thirds of the surveyed population of Tyumen region noted the difficulty of access to a doctor, the presence of large queues. Thus, despite the low level of public satisfaction with medical care, less than a quarter of the population actively uses paid health care services according to the survey. The choice of paid or free health care is influenced by infrastructural factors and social status. In general, people prefer to be treated free of charge, referring to paid medical facilities only when necessary.References:
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