Communicative strategies applied in ethnic stand-up discourse of Ronny Cheng’s comedy

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2024. Vol. 10. № 4 (40)

Communicative strategies applied in ethnic stand-up discourse of Ronny Cheng’s comedy

For citation: Dudkova, D. S. (2024). Communicative strategies applied in ethnic stand-up discourse of Ronny Cheng’s comedy. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, 10(4), 23–41.

About the author:

Darina S. Dudkova,

Instructor of English, Department of Foreign Languages, Russian and Russian as a Foreign Language, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev — KAI, Kazan, Russia; dudkowa-darina@yandex.ru


Stand-up comedy is one of the most popular text types in modern media landscape. Unique layouts of stand-up text, sensitive topics, and live interaction between the author and the interlocutor forces a comedian to apply various communicative techniques. Ethnic humor in stand-up comedy is rarely approached pragmatically; even rarely in research done by Russian scholars. This article suggests the analysis of ethnic humor in Ronny Cheng’s specials. Having transcribed and tagged the comedian’s speech, the author of this article pinpoints common stereotypes and frames exploited, as well as the rationale behind them. The applied communicative strategies of the comedian are then singled out and described. The distinction between global strategies, special strategies and particular tools is put forward as an indispensable factor for development of further comedy discourse analysis.


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