Transitional phenomena in the adverbialization of nouns

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2024. Vol. 10. № 2 (38)

Transitional phenomena in the adverbialization of nouns

Author: Zhou Haiyan

For citation: Haiyan, Zhou. (2024). Transitional phenomena in the adverbialization of nouns. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, 10(2), 31–39.

About the author:

Zhou Haiyan, Dr. Sci. in Philology, Peking University, Beijing, China;


An important part of the system of Russian adverbs constitutes adverbs motivated by non-prepositional and prepositional case forms of nouns, which can be divided into three types regarding the planes of expression and content. The first type includes adverbs motivated by non-prepositionalforms of nouns, e. g., весной. The second type comprises adverbs motivated by prepositional case forms of nouns, such as наверху. The third type is adverbs formed from combinations of different case forms of the same noun, such as изо дня в день. All these types have a stepwise character in the process of adverbalization. The study shows that adverbialization of nouns is closely related to lexicalization, but the degree and ways of lexicalisation for noun word forms are different. The transitivity scale clearly represents the process of separation from the noun and approaching the adverbalization. In addition, in the process of lexicalisation, there is also a process of grammaticalization, which is reflected in morphological, semantic, and syntactic aspects.


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