2022, Vol. 8. № 3 (31)About the author:
Maria K. Kshondzer, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Head of the Literary Society “Arion” (Lubeck, Germany); mkkshondzer@googlemail.comAbstract:
The Silver age culture involves the search for new forms in literature, poetry, and painting. Egodocuments reflect modernist trends particularly vividly in genres, such as diaries, epistolaries, and autobiographies, among others. Osip Mandelstam’s autobiographical prose “Noise of Time” is an attempt of the poet‘s creative self-expression, his desire to explain the world directly — through his own perception. Author’s direct word shows new forms of communication with the reader: associativity of the narrative, a special relationship with the text, when the reader as if restores the lost subtext moments, while the “sounding mold form” itself becomes the content. The foundations for Mandelstam’s autobiographical prose are his reflections that convey the state of the person staying in the socio-cultural space and seeking to objectify, to get away from his own biography and “to monitor the noise and germination of time”.References: