Indirect speech acts of modern communication: speech genre of hidden request

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2022, Vol. 8. № 3 (31)

Indirect speech acts of modern communication: speech genre of hidden request

For citation: Bagirova E. P., Gavrikova E. O. 2022. “Indirect speech acts of modern communication: speech genre of hidden request”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 8, no. 3 (31), pp. 6-22

About the authors:

Elena P. Bagirova, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Assistant Professor, Department of General Linguistics, Tyumen State University;

Elina O. Gavrikova, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of General Linguistics, University of Tyumen;


This article analyzes the phenomena that have developed in the field of expressing will in contemporary speech communication. Namely, the illocutionary goals of imperative indirect speech and ways of implementing indirect imperativeness at the lexical and grammatical levels. Additionally, the authors describe markers of hidden forms of motivation and factors, which determine the degree of motivation, and reveal non-imperative forms of motivation. The theoretical basis of the work includes the works by N. I. Formanovskaya, A. Vezhbitskaya, J. Searle, M. Ya. Blokh , G. G. Yarmarkina and other researchers of the phenomenon of directive speech acts. The article analyzes request forms in indirect speech presented as declarative and interrogative sentences. The authors establish that communicative acts expressing will are implemented by a variety of linguistic means and models aimed at softening the expression of a request. For example, among declarative sentences, there are constructions with the lexeme хочу (“I want”), predicative adverbs надо (“need”), нужно (“necessary”), etc.; among interrogative sentences — interrogatives with the modal part правда (“truth”), modal constructions with хотеть (“want”) and мочь (“to be able”), indirect directives containing the interrogative indicative of the verb of the causal action with the negative particle не (“not”). A speaker’s choice of a specific means and form of request affects its assessment as categorical, neutral, polite and over-polite.


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