Anthropomorphic Metaphorical Models in Conceptual Field “Nature” in the Poetry of S. Yesenin and of Hǎi Zi

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2021, Vol. 7. № 4 (28)

Anthropomorphic Metaphorical Models in Conceptual Field “Nature” in the Poetry of S. Yesenin and of Hǎi Zi

For citation: Kupchik E. V., Ma Xun. 2021. “Anthropomorphic Metaphorical Models in Conceptual Field “Nature” in the Poetry of S. Yesenin and of Hǎi Zi”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 7, no. 4 (28), pp. 60-77. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2021-7-4-60-77

About the authors:

Elena V. Kupchik, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Professor, Department of Russian Language and General Linguistics, University of Tyumen;

Ma Xun, Senior Lecturer, Department of Russian, Qufu Normal University (China);


The article presents the analysis of metaphorical models that are characterized by nature phenomena’s adaptation of human traits in the poetry of S. Yesenin and of Hǎi Zi (often called “Chinese Yesenin”). The study of cognitive models in their linguacultural representations as well as the research on metaphors as a mean of perception of national worldview persist to appear often in linguistic discourse and are still considered to be a promising area in linguistics. The novelty of the present article is due to the study of anthropomorphic metaphors of these two poets as a cognitive phenomenon and due to its comparative nature. The subject of the research is comparative tropes that are manifestations of metaphorical models in poetic texts of the Russian and Chinese poets. The aim of the work is to reveal and to characterize anthropomorphic metaphors of nature in the poems of S. Yesenin and Hǎi Zi. The research methodology includes the descriptive and the comparative methods as well as the method of quantitative estimation. The research resulted in description of composition of nature objects that are within target domain of anthropomorphic metaphors as well as of objects within source domain. The authors of the research also present topic classification of language material, define nature things reflected in anthropomorphic metaphors that are significant for each of these two poets. In addition, the common and different characteristics of anthropomorphic metaphors of S. Yesenin and Hǎi Zi are highlighted. It was discovered that both of these poets use anthropomorphic metaphors to describe the whole spectrum of nature things related to flora and fauna, natural phenomena, as well as to earth, water and air space. The research is concluded by stating that the expression of individual poetic identity of both poets coexists with the reflection of features of national cultures in anthropomorphic metaphors.


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