2020, Vol. 6. № 4 (24)About the authors:
Iana Ye. Andreeva, Postgraduate Student, University of Tyumen; y.e.andreeva@utmn.ruAbstract:
This article deals with the lexical and grammatical transformations in the translation of G. Sh. Yakhina’s novel “Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes” into Chinese. Currently, the theoretical and practical issues of translation in the aspect of the Russian-Chinese language pair remain relevant. At the same time, the problems of translation equivalence and adequacy are getting more recognition.
This study aims to identify the specifics of interlingual transformations of Russian-Chinese translation based on a comparative analysis of the novel by G. Sh. Yakhina “Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes” (2015) and its Chinese translation (2017). It is the first such study of the presented literary text in terms of comparative-comparative linguistics. To comprehend the interlanguage transformations performed by the translator in the process of translation, the authors have used a comparative analysis of the texts in the source language and the translation.
The significance of the differences in the grammatical structure of the Russian and Chinese languages explains the particular interest towards the study of the translation of a work of fiction. At the lexical level, the authors examine the specifics of the transmission of the nationally-marked corpus of the Tatar vocabulary into Chinese, which acquires special significance in the representation of the ethnocultural component of a literary text. In addition, the features of lexical transformations during translation are revealed through an appeal to the ideological vocabulary of the Soviet period. At the grammatical level, the authors analyze the morphological and syntactic transformations, as well as the transmission of verb forms.
As a result of the study, the reasons for lexical, morphological and syntactycal translation transformations were established, and interlanguage barriers that reduce the equivalence of translation were identified.
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