Hybrid names of Cafes and Restaurants in Tyumen, Seattle, and Toulouse

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2019, Vol. 5. №3(19)

Hybrid names of Cafes and Restaurants in Tyumen, Seattle, and Toulouse

Author: Anna A. Isakova

For citation: Isakova A. A. 2019. “Hybrid names of Cafes and Restaurants in Tyumen, Seattle, and Toulouse”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 5, no 3 (19), pp. 38-51. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2019-5-3-38-51

About the author:

Anna A. Isakova, Postgraduate Student, Department of the English Language, University of Tyumen; annatelem@gmail.com


This article studies the names of cafes and restaurants in the cities of Tyumen, Seattle, and Toulouse. According to the data of the Department of Consumer Market of the Tyumen Administration and the information site tripadvisor.ru, a card index of the names of public catering establishments in Tyumen (1.5 thousand lexical units), Seattle (3.2 thousand) and Toulouse (2.5 thousand) was compiled. Actualization groups were identified, they include proper name, geographical subjects, flora and fauna, gastronomic names, art and culture, buildings and structures, household items, phraseological units and stable phrases, occupation and titles, colors, and numbers. The morphological and lexical-semantic methods of word formation of the names of public catering establishments are investigated. Cases of the transition of an anthroponym, toponym, and common noun to ergonym are revealed. The names of cafes and restaurants in Tyumen represent a significant number of one-component structures (Prokofiev, China, and Assorti among others). On the contrary — syntactic constructions dominate the names of cafes and restaurants in Seattle and Toulouse (Seattle — Stanford’s Restaurant and Bar; Toulouse — Le Petit Magre). Six types of graphic hybrid names of cafes and restaurants are distinguished, which are represented in different proportions in each city — fusion, apostrophization, combinations of letters and numbers, combinations of letters and symbols, combinations of lowercase and uppercase letters, and names with a foreign component.


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