2019, Vol. 5. №2About the authors:
Natalia V. Labunets, Dr. Sci. (Philol.), Professor, Department of Russian Language and General Linguistics, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID, n.v.labunec@utmn.ruAbstract:
The subject under research is the relevant, but insufficiently studied phenomenon of onomastic reflection. The aim is to identify the specifics of onomastic reflexives in the space of fairy-tale texts of V.P. Krapivin in the aspect of language game. The works of V.P. Krapivin (which he himself denoted as Krapivin’s tales) served as the source. Onomastic constructions (more than 1,500 units), included in the reflexive context of the author’s vision of the proper name, became the material of the research. Contextual and component analysis, as well as the techniques of the descriptive method (observation, interpretation, and systematization) are the main research methods. Based on the material of Krapivin’s texts, the heuristic nominativeness, onomastic loading of texts were first examined from the standpoint of the presentation of the estimated information contained in the metalinguistic statements-reflections on the proper name. The specificity of the studied reflexives is that they can be either explicitly or implicitly expressed estimations, coupled with different textual parameters — from the word-onym (quasi-reflexive) through the onomastic phrase to the detailed evaluative characteristic of the onomastic construction. A special feature of Krapivin’s onym is to be found in the author’s desire to show various functional facets of a proper name: onym-nominative — onym-characterizer. The manifestation of the reflective beginning in the text is carried out in various ways: by directly commenting on the proper name using special lexical means, syntactic constructions, as well as through its graphic (orthofraphic), phonetic design, structuring of the component composition. Associative links of the name, manifested through onomastic reflexives, create the effect of onomastic games.