The problems of mechanization of forest resources removal in the forest industry comlex of the Soviet Union in the 1930s

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2019, Vol. 5. №1

The problems of mechanization of forest resources removal in the forest industry comlex of the Soviet Union in the 1930s

Author: Ivan V. Zykin

For citation: Zykin I. V. 2019. “The problems of mechanization of forest resources removal in the forest industry comlex of the Soviet Union in the 1930s”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 5, no 1, pp. 188-202. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2019-5-1-188-202

About the author:

Ivan V. Zykin, Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Associate Professor, Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines, Technological Institute (Branch) of the National Research Nuclear University «MIFI»;; ORCID: 0000-0002-9994-6036


The research of the problems of the Soviet Union modernization in the 1930s is still relevant. The attention of scientists is attracted by poorly studied questions of a critical era, such as the question of transformations in the forest industry complex, the analysis of which reveals positive and negative sides. Their understanding is necessary also for determination of the prospects and the solution of problems of the industry. One of the poorly studied topics is mechanization in the forest industry complex on which Communist Party and state bodies put their stake in increasing the volumes of logging and removing of forest resources.

The directions of mechanization in the industry, the dynamics of introduction, and the problems of use of the equipment are defined. The rates of mechanization of the wood removal in the civil economic organizations and labor camps are compared. The analysis of the historical sources, the address to the questions of mechanization in the sphere of forced labor, the attitude of the authorities, economic organizations, and workers to the introduction and the use of the equipment allowed investigating in a comprehensive manner the problems of mechanization of the forest industry complex of the Soviet Union. The conclusions about the incompleteness of this process, the failure to follow the plans for the mechanized removal of forest resources, preservation of manual work in the industry in the 1930s are formulated.


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