Linguopragmatic analysis of regional trademarks

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2019, Vol. 5. №1

Linguopragmatic analysis of regional trademarks

For citation: Gavrikova E. O., Kayzer-Danilova N. V. 2019. “Linguopragmatic analysis of regional trademarks”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 5, no 1, pp. 48-61. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2019-5-1-48-61

About the authors:

Elina O. Gavrikova, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of General Linguistics, University of Tyumen;

Natalya V. Kayzer-Danilova, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Department of General Linguistics, University of Tyumen;


The article presents the results of a linguopragmatic study of regional trademarks on the example of the meat-containing products’ titles in order to determine the effectiveness of advertising strategies, tactics, and techniques undertaken by food producers for market promotion of a product, its positioning, and branding. An attempt was made to substantiate the seperation in the onomastic system of the language the category of titles of meat products, a new term is proposed — carnonym. Their semantic components and active word-formation models are revealed and described, their productivity is established. Regional onomastic vocabulary is considered as a source of linguistic, sociocultural, and linguo-ethnic information, which expresses culturally marked and pragmatically significant content. The description of regional pragmatonyms characterizes the linguistic picture of the Siberian, his modern cognitive picture of the world.


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