2018, Vol. 4. №4About the author:
Maksim N. Shevchenko, Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Senior Lecturer, Omsk Theological Seminary of the Omsk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate);; ORCID: 0000-0002-9752-8332Abstract:
This study aims to discover the mechanisms of representation of the power ambitions of the Moscow princes in the Old Russian literature of the end at the 14th — beginning of the 15th centuries. To achieve this goal, the article identifies the specificity and conditionality of the structural elements of the works’ text composition; reveals the semantic meanings of the key components of the Moscow sovereigns’ image; and determines the direction and nature of actions of the tools used in the literature of Ancient Rus of the specified period and focused on the formation of a unique image of power. Historical-genetic and comparative-historical research methods are used in the work.
The author concludes that the literature of Ancient Rus was a form of retransmission of the power image of the Moscow princes to the mass consciousness, through which the unshakable foundations of autocracy were revealed in detail, and the questions of origin and prerogatives of the authority of the Moscow dynasty were explained. Representation of the unique image of power in the works of Old Russian literature during the specified period was based on a number of semantic components, among which the key ones included determination of the sovereign status of Moscow rulers; fixing the dynastic and political continuity in relation to the Vladimir-Suzdal and Kiev religious and political traditions; and consolidation of the all-Russian significance of the Moscow princes in the titular element of “All Russia”, among others. The various configurations of these elements worked to form the image of the Moscow princes as the only legitimate political and church-religious leaders of the Old Russian society.