Meeting of “Native” and “Alien” in Short Stories by V. I. Belov and Ye. D. Aipin

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2018, Vol. 4. №2

Meeting of “Native” and “Alien” in Short Stories by V. I. Belov and Ye. D. Aipin

For citation: Tsimbalova Yu. A., Lagunova О. K. 2018. “Meeting of ‘Native’ and ‘Alien’ in Short Stories by V. I. Belov and Ye. D. Aipin”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 4, no 2, pp. 139-151. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2018-4-2-139-151

About the authors:

Yulia A. Tsimbalova, Postgraduate Student, Russian and Foreign Literature Department, University of Tyumen;

Olga K. Lagunova, Dr. Sci. (Philol), Professor, Russian and Foreign Literature Department, University of Tyumen;


This paper attempts to compare the poetics of Russian writer V. I. Belov’s and Khanty prosaist Ye. D. Aipin. The situation of the encounter of the “native” and “alien” in their books reveals the problem of the mental crisis of modern society. Both writers use the opposition of the Chaos and the Space, which is considered to be an element of mythological structure, because the prose is based on cult of traditional values and archaic worldview. It is revealed that concepts “native” and “alien” are realized within contrary personal characteristics, strategies of behavior and attitude towards family values, native land, nature, historical periods of crisis and extreme situation. The participants, the place and the time of encounting, their things and speech are considered in context of the deep cause-and-effect relationships with outside world and history. In that regard both the global events (ecological and economic crisis’s, the October revolution, the Great Patriotic war) and personal things seem to be equally important. The connection of everything with all that exists is mainstreamed by the narrative subject, underlining that historical facts of different periods are intersectional. This in turn shows the idea that everyone is responsible for what is happening in the world. In this regard every act, verb, and even thought are estimated in terms of impact on the nation future. All what is connected with cultural memory of the ethnos (Russian or Khanty) and do not conflict with patterns of natural development of existence is supposed to be “native”. Any deviation from this balance is supposed to be “alien”, that threatens integrity.


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