Expected Features of Speech under the Influence of the Iranian-Russian Interference at the Suprasegmental Level

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2018, Vol. 4. №2

Expected Features of Speech under the Influence of the Iranian-Russian Interference at the Suprasegmental Level

For citation: Agafonova M. P. 2018. “Expected Features of Speech under the Influence of the Iranian-Russian Interference at the Suprasegmental Level”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 4, no 2, pp. 44-56. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2018-4-2-44-56

About the author:

Marina P. Agafonova, Postgraduate Student, Department of Phonetics, Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University; m.p.agafonova@yandex.ru


This article presents the potential features of interference in the speech of bilinguals speaking Tajik and Russian languages. The main source of phonetic interference is differences in the systems of interacting languages. Descriptions of the Tajik language phonetic system on suprasegmental level made by several researches were analyzed and a comparative analysis of the phonetic systems of Tajik and Russian languages was carried out. Among the revealed features are: stress shift on the last syllable; shorter duration of the accented syllable, higher pitch level on the stressed syllable; the influence of word stress on the melodic pattern of the language; the higher rising tone on the negative particle; the implementation of incompleteness with a higher pitch, than in Russian language; the errors of the syntagmatic division of the sentence in Russian; the absence of a number of intonation patterns and types of design of prosodic units in the speech of speakers. The objective for further research is to analyze the dynamics of the interference of different language groups on the phonetic level in speech of children and young adults.


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