2017, Vol. 3. №4About the authors:
Vladimir V. Cherkasov, Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, Sports and Teaching Methods, D. I. Mendeleev Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute (branch of University of Tyumen); wladmir30@rambler.ruAbstract:
This article presents the results of developing speed and strength endurance of biathletes in the sports perfection groups in training mesocycles at different stages of the special preparatory period. The experimental technique of developing special endurance is described based on a training load individualization and definition of an optimum parity of means of special endurance for biathletes of the sports reserve.
Based on the analysis of existing research, the authors describe the current practice of developing the speed and strength endurance of young biathletes, highlighting its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, they characterize sports training for young athletes based on a differentiated approach and highlight the existing problems in coaching biathlon groups for sports improvement. Taking into account the peculiarities of biathlon as a sport (consisting of two sports disciplines, differing in physiological influence on the body: skiing, characterized by a long dynamic load; and shooting, with a static character of actions), the authors have considered complex preparation as the main means of developing special physical qualities.
The methodology and organization of the study are described in this article. At the ascertaining stage of the study, three differently directed training programs were tested: with concentrated development of special strength endurance; with concentrated development of special high-speed endurance; and with the means of the first and second groups in an equal proportion. Based on the results of the comprehensive control and factor analysis obtained at this stage, the authors have developed individual plans that differed in the individual parameters of training loads.
This article explains the experimentally revealed version of timing special high-speed and strength endurance in training mesocycles at the stages of the special-preparatory period. The research has proven the effectiveness of the developed method, as confirmed by reliable differences between the parameters of the experimental and control groups. It may indicate the perspective of using the proposed methodology in the training process of senior young biathletes.