Grammatical Errors while Learning a Foreign Language (Spanish): The Reasons and Ways of Their Elimination

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2017, Vol. 3. №4

Grammatical Errors while Learning a Foreign Language (Spanish): The Reasons and Ways of Their Elimination

For citation: Gonzalez O. H., Kibisova K. B. 2017. “Grammatical Errors while Learning a Foreign Language (Spanish): The Reasons and Ways of Their Elimination”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 3, no 4, pp. 243-267. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2017-3-4-243-267

About the authors:

Osmin Hernandez Gonzalez, Associate Professor, Department of French Philology, University of Tyumen;

Kristina B. Kibisova, Senior Lecturer, Department of French Philology, University of Tyumen;


The last decade sees the increase in the interest towards the Spanish language in Russia. More and more students of the University Tyumen choose Spanish as their second and third foreign languages. However, there is practically no research related to the process of teaching Spanish to Russian-speaking students. The experience of work with students allowed the authors studying the errors that students make and the reasons for their occurrence. This present paper considers errors in the use of verbs with prepositions, analyzes the causes of such errors, and suggests ways for their elimination.

The purpose of this study is definiting of the factors that have an influence upon students’ interlanguage when they use verbs with preposition in Spanish. The authors have chosen S. Corder’s analysis of errors as a technique for searching the errors in the corpus of students’ works. The authors have compiled this corpus during their research by selecting didactic material for the subsequent spelling transcription, alignment, and conversion to standard and reusable formats. Extraction of data from the corpus was performed by automatic and statistical methods. The analysis of the obtained results provided an overview of the most common difficulties for the third and fourth year students.

The authors’ hypothesis is the following: lack of knowledge of the grammatical structure is not the main source of errors, nor can it always be caused by interference of the native language; however, stress, lack of concentration, and confusion can influence one’s learning process.

In this work, the authors have offered didactic recommendations, which can be used during learning process with the emphasis on the communicative approach focused on practice, where verbs with prepositions are studied as grammatical units.


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