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Vesntik TSU. Philosophy
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Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates
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Contents of issue
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Imperative Statements in Early French Legal Texts
Nadezhda N. Lykova
Functions of the Chinese Grammatical Particle 的 (de) in the Chinese Translations of A. S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter”
Olga V. Trofimova
Iana P. Polukhina
Jing Tong
Image of the Inner Personality in the Poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A. S. Pushkin and Its Translations to the Chinese Language
Elena V. Kupchik
Jingwen Wu
The Grammatical Category of Tense as a Means of Expressing Temporal Deixis in the Belarusian and the English Languages: The Comparative and Typological Aspect
Olga A. Artsiomava
Occasional Collocations and the Means of Their Formation
Anastasia V. Korshunova
Marina V. Vlavatskaya
Representation of Ferdinand de Saussure’s Authentic Terms in the Work « Course de linguistique générale »
Denis S. Zolotukhin
The Poetics of a Thing in the Austrian Literature (In E. Jelinek’s Novels „Die Liebhaberinnen“, „Die Klavierspielerin“, and „Die Ausgesperrten“)
Irina A. Sivolobova
The Kingdom of the Franks during the Carolingian Dynasty and the Developmental Characteristics of the Historical Worldview
Dmitriy N. Starostin
Saints on the Seals of the Livonian Order
Ivan P. Komarov
Alexandr G. Emanov
Who Are the Atamans of Razin’s Troops?
Alexey V. Bauer
“Bury Me in the Enclosure”: Reflection of the Extraordinary Grave Practice in the Materials of the Tobolsk Spiritual Consistory
Evgeny P. Zagvazdin
Results of Inspecting Tyumen Schools in 1853
Viktor V. Mitrofanov
GULAG Returnees: Memory, History, Identity
Tyler C. Kirk
Liubov A. Maksimova
Ethno-Cultural Specificity of Migrants in the Jewish Autonomous Region in the late 20th — early 21st Century
Sergey V. Bereznitsky
Petr V. Primak
Ekaterina V. Titova
On the Education Culture and Its Subject, Meta-Subject, and Meta-Cognitive Levels
Sergey M. Halin
Upbringing by Music and Theatre in Antique Greek Pedagogical Culture
Victoria K. Pichugina
Svetlana Yu. Krykhtina
Types of Situations to Implant the Concept of Beauty to University Students: Some Aspects of Aesthetical and Cognitive Activities
Inna N. Soldatova
Grammatical Errors while Learning a Foreign Language (Spanish): The Reasons and Ways of Their Elimination
Osmin Hernandez Gonzalez
Kristina B. Kibisova
Introducing the All-Russian Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” into the Process of Teachers’ Training
Irina V. Manzheley
Svetlana A. Tyaglova
Peculiarities of Load Differentiation for Biathletes at the Age 16-18 during the Preparatory Period
Vladimir V. Cherkasov
Nikolay Ya. Ilinyh
Irina A. Starykh
Seminar on Practical Methods of Pedagogical Research: From the Experience of Academic and Educational Schools' Interaction
Alfiya F. Zakirova
Elena A. Grigorieva
The Forgotten Session, the Lost Section: The Impressions of a Participator of XXIIIth International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Belgrad, 2016)
Yury Ya. Vin