2017, Vol. 3. №3About the author:
Lubov N. Gladkova, Senior Lecturer, Department of General and Social Pedagogy, University of Tyumen; lngladkova.13@gmail.comAbstract:
The article reveals the specificity of the notions “experience of socially safe behavior” that is defined as a set of knowledge and practically acquired skills, skills mastered through behavior which corresponds to the norms of society, leading to the successful socialization of the individual, the absence of tension, threats of a different nature to both the surrounding and to oneself, constructive behavior — is, from the point of view of internal resources, a consequence of the effectiveness of the use of the safe for oneself and the surrounding, behavioral strategies that have been mastered by man; they are the consequence of the availability of controlled channels for obtaining socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical and other assistance and support in a situation of danger, availability of channels for the transmission of safe behavior experiences. “Online socialization” is a process of individual assimilation of norms and values of society through virtual space, the inclusion of a person into the system of social relations of social services, as a result of which a person develops social experience that allows him to show and broadcast behavior is an active value-differentiated attitude to facts, events of the world around the internet. The contents of the main components of readiness for the implementation of socially safe, i. e. value-motivational, cognitive, operational-activity, regulatory, reflexive behavior are characterized. The levels of accumulating socially safe behavior have been determined: operational, i. e. a set of actions, which is a necessity to react momentarily to the existing threat to the life and health of a minor, when interacting with an unpredictable socially dangerous situation caused by a combination of risks, tactical, i. e. sufficiently stable in structure, ways of socially safe behavior aimed at achieving the stated goal of exercising one’s own safety clarity and safety of the people around him), strategic, that is an established set of social development of ways of safe behavior, realized on the basis of an action plan, in public relations with the aim of personal and collective security. Experience of diagnostics of levels of socially safe behavior is described, and also stages and results of experimental and experimental work with teenagers of schools of Tyumen and Tyumen Region are presented.