Developing Responsibility among Future Teachers in the Education Process of Higher Education Institutions

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2017, Vol. 3. №2

Developing Responsibility among Future Teachers in the Education Process of Higher Education Institutions

For citation: Kunitsyna S. M., Frolova S. L. 2017. “Developing Responsibility among Future Teachers in the Education Process of Higher Education Institutions”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 225-238. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2017-3-2-225-238

About the authors:

Svetlana M. Kunitsyna, Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Department of Educational Systems, Social Management Academy (Moscow);

Svetlana L. Frolova, Dr. Sci. (Ped.), Professor, Department of Education Development, Social Management Academy (Moscow);


The authors of this article focus on such personal trait of a future teacher as responsibility. The main goal of the research is to test the effectiveness of technologies for developing responsibility in future teachers in the real conditions of a pedagogical university. The introductory part of the article justifies the importance of developing the responsibility of future teachers in the period of study at university, since the quality of training of general education organizations depends on their responsibility.

In the main part, the authors consider the concept of “responsibility” in the linguistic and philosophical aspects, give their own definition of the concept: responsibility is the integrative quality of the individual, determining the subject's activity on the basis of free choice and foreseeing the results of their activities, the ability to be responsible for their actions. They offer components that can be part of the model of responsibility development: target, organizational, technological, and resultant.

Particular attention is paid to the study of the structure of the quality itself, which consists of information-cognitive, motivational-value, operational-activity, emotional-volitional and evaluation-corrective components, as well as responsibility functions-value-orientation, mobilizing, external control and behavior correction, self-control. In the experimental part, practical work has been described on the development of responsibility components for students of the experimental group; effective technologies and methods of responsibility development (work of students with structural and logical schemes, case-technology, and simulation games) are offered, their effectiveness is proved.

The authors have proved that the implementation of the proposed components of responsibility development model among future teachers is productive. There is stable dynamics of responsibility development among students, which on the whole positively affects the personal and professional development of future teachers. As a result of the study, the authors have come to the following conclusions: the developed sense of responsibility is one of the most significant indicators of the readiness of the future teacher for professional activity. The lack of responsibility can cause graduates of pedagogical college to leave the profession, because they will not be able to implement the requirements of the teacher's professional standard.


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