Pedagogical Heritage of Greek and Roman Antiquity in Higher Pedagogical Education

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2017, Vol. 3. №2

Pedagogical Heritage of Greek and Roman Antiquity in Higher Pedagogical Education

For citation: Pichugina V. K. 2017. “Pedagogical Heritage of Greek and Roman Antiquity in Higher Pedagogical Education”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 213-224. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2017-3-2-213-224

About the author:

Victoria K. Pichugina, Dr. Sci. (Ped.), Leading Researcher, Centre of History of Pedagogy and Education, Institute for Strategy of Education Development, the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow);


This article is devoted to the questions of necessary changes of historical and pedagogical components for the maintenance of higher pedagogical education which is pushed aside by the new generation of the state standards. In this article, the paradoxes catalyzing this process are designated. The first paradox is connected with the triad “chronology-methodology-technology” and focuses on the features of structuring and substantial contents of historical and pedagogical sections and special courses. The state standard provides the teacher with a lot of freedom. The second paradox is connected with the triad “tradition-innovation-maxim” and arises from the difference between domestic and foreign strategy of giving the antique pedagogical heritage to students of the pedagogical specialties which found reflection in educational texts (textbooks, manuals, anthologies and anthologies of history of pedagogics and education). Changes in this area demand cardinal revision of the traditional logic of historical and pedagogical material which strongly fixes its value for developing of common cultural, but not professional competences of the student. The third paradox is connected with the triad “mythology-terminology-institution” and focuses on unjustified narrowing or, on the contrary, expansion of context in which texts about the antique pedagogical past are placed. To capture it in context is not possible for a student who is guided only by educational purposes. Changes in this area are connected with research activity available to the student, admissible at the level of the state standard, causing full assimilation of the historical and pedagogical content within numerous pedagogical sections and special courses.


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