Voluntary Colonialism or Clientelism as a Modern Geopolitical Phenomenon

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2017, Vol. 3. №2

Voluntary Colonialism or Clientelism as a Modern Geopolitical Phenomenon

For citation: Zaytseva L. Yu. 2017. Voluntary Colonialism or Clientelism as a Modern Geopolitical Phenomenon“”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 181-188. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2017-3-2-181-188

About the author:

Lubov Yu. Zaytseva, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Professor, Department of State and Municipal Management, Russian Academy of National Economy and the State Service under the RF President (Kurgan Branch); blik_32@mail.ru


This article is devoted to the modern geopolitical phenomenon — clientelism. The author interprets this concept more broadly than it is customarily presented in science. Clientelism, or voluntary colonialism, is referred to as the system of colonialism which is typical for a unipolar world, characterized by the delegation of some sovereign rights of the state to the global leader, patron, or some international organizations and unions. Clientelism attracts customers with a number of benefits, and favorable investment policies, international loans, political-military protection of NATO. On the other hand, there are contradictions and problems with voluntary colonialism — the predominance of the holder’s interests, the infringement of customers’ national interests, the potential for conflict and crisis caused by the unipolar model of development.

In comparison with the previous stages of colonialism, clientelism is trying to demonstrate liberal methods of world division. But the boundaries of liberalism cartridge is determined by customer loyalty. Another specificity of clientelism is its popularity in the underdeveloped and highly developed European state. Voluntary colonialism is a result of the integration of the global and European processes, the ideological justification for which is “russophobia” (phobia of everything Russian-related). Therefore, anti-Russian sanctions and provocations can be considered as ways of clientelism. The Russian Federation has been in international isolation because of its refusal of the client status and its focus on the multipolar model of the world.


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