Substantial Characteristics of Developing Value Attitude to Health in Children of Younger Preschool Age

Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates


2017, Vol. 3. №1

Substantial Characteristics of Developing Value Attitude to Health in Children of Younger Preschool Age

For citation: Shebeko V. N., Latygovskaya O. V. 2017. “Substantial Characteristics of Developing Value Attitude to Health in Children of Younger Preschool Age”. Tyumen State University Herald. Humanities Research. Humanitates, vol. 3, no 1, pp. 258-269. DOI: 10.21684/2411-197X-2017-3-1-258-269

About the authors:

Valentina N. Shebeko, Dr. Sci. (Ped.), Associate Professor, Department of Methods of Preschool Education, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank (Minsk);

Olga V. Latygovskaya, Postgraduate Student, Department of General and Pre-School Pedagogy, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank (Minsk);


Nowadays the problem of developing value attitude to health has achieved a high level of theoretical and empirical research. However, a relatively deep study of the problem in the psychological-pedagogical science correlates with a lackprofoundof attention to the process of developing value attitude to health in children of a preschool age during their sports and recreational activities. The purpose of this research is to identify content characteristics, criteria and directions in the developing of value attitude to health in preschool age children that through the prism of education, sports, and recreational activities will provide readiness and ability of the child to health-saving behavior. The author identifies that the value attitude to health is formed by “integrative education of a person”, the criteria of which are: a system of knowledge about the concept of health, healthy lifestyles, health-saving rules and behavior used in the daily activity of children. Motivation and the need for maintaining and promoting health and health-saving behavior serve as the basis for acme-health. The child is regarded as the subject of health-saving processes. In the article the intellectual values of physical culture in the context of health-activity of preschool education and the basic characteristics of emotional and volitional spheres of children in valeological culture are presented. The author highlights the results of the theoretical study of developing value ideas about health in children of preschool age. These results are interpreted in the following areas: development of a positive emotional response, emotional response to the manifestation of socially significant value concepts in secure valeological situations; emotional manifestation of value relationships; internalization of value concepts in the light of recognition of familiar values in new situations; raising the value assessment, self-motivation through the expression of attraction and empathy; willingness and ability to express actively value ideas and valeological knowledge in different kinds of situations; developing a complete picture of the world; formation the traits of a child's personality. It is concluded that the indicator of a successful development of the value attitude to health in children of a preschool age is healthy behavior, which includes the following terms: healthy habits and actions, traditions of healthy behavior, as well as the development of elementary self-help skills.


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