2017, Vol. 3. №1About the author:
Marina V. Batiushkina, Cand. Sci. (Ped.), Senior Consultant of the Department of Linguistic Expertise аnd Systematization of Legislation, Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region; soulangeana@mail.ruAbstract:
The problem of the linguistic expertise of draft laws is one of the key issues in the lawmaking process. The result of such law expertise depends on professional qualifications and competencies of an expert. It is proved that the distinctive attribute of the linguistic expertise of draft laws is that it is carried out by competent people, namely experts that possess special knowledge in a certain field. The author argues that an expert’s competencies can be divided into linguistic (language and speech) and professional in the suggested model. The paper provides the rationale for the described model, pointing to the relationships between groups of competences. Analysing the parameters of the linguistic expertise of draft laws, the author considers the problem of formulating the issues that require a complex approach to their solutions by an expert in the field of the linguistic expertise of draft laws. Special attention is paid to the issues of functioning of the Russian language as the Russian Federation state language, as well the problem of the linguistic norm and varieties. The acquired results can be used to conduct further research on this issue and on the issue of the law-making process.