2017, Vol. 3. №1About the authors:
Viktoriya V. Markova, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Associate Professor, Journalism Department, Tyumen State University; vitmark14@yandex.ruAbstract:
This article deals with the characteristic features of evaluation in the columns of A. G. Baunov, published on The article is devoted to the embodiment of evaluation at the levels of a text macrostructure and microstructure. Iconic metaphorical and contextual elements serve as the means to express evaluation. Baunov’s evaluation is a powerful speech factor to convey impact on the audience, to form public opinion and values. In this regard, Baunov’s texts perform, apart from the informative function, the culture-shaping function. Baunov’s publicist works contain a formula for one of the most significant problems of the contemporary community — the spread of “the language of hatred” in the world, imposing it on the society through the media, alongside the loss of humanistic ideals in favor of political intrigue. The author presents this problem through a conflict between two “types of statements”: the first “suggests that there is nobody around”, and the second “suggests that there are others”.